Adding Disk Usage Reporting to Emacs Dired

[James Dyer] : Sep 18, 2024 : 166 words
emacs linux 🏷️ emacs elisp dired 2024

Just a quick one today. One of the great strengths of Emacs is its extensibility, I have mentioned before in adding the ability to disk report on the size of a directory in dired but I thought I would quickly revisit the topic, demonstrating the function I currently use.

This functionality will allow you to run disk usage reports directly within Dired, using the du -hc command. This will make it easier to figure out how much space directories are taking up.

The aim of this function is to run the Linux command du -hc on the directory currently under the cursor in Dired mode. The command du -hc provides a human-readable summary of disk usage for the specified directory.

Here’s the function that accomplishes this task:

(defun my/dired-du ()
  "Run 'du -hc' on the directory under the cursor in Dired."
  (let ((current-dir (dired-get-file-for-visit)))
    (if (file-directory-p current-dir)
        (dired-do-async-shell-command "du -hc" nil (list current-dir))
      (message "The current point is not a directory."))))

and that is it!