Transforming Dired File Paths into Org Links

[James Dyer] : Oct 17, 2024 : 409 words
emacs linux 🏷️ org hugo emacs elisp dired 2024

I am of course using org mode for organizing my tasks, notes and other paraphernalia.

In addition, I generate static web pages from org using hugo, with each org heading representing a single post.

I often find myself needing to refer to files stored in a directory, especially image files that can be org embedded and then passed through to Hugo by the ox-hugo package.

Navigating to the file and manually generating the appropriate org link can be just a little cumbersome - to initially pick up the file name and then insert the relevant org attributes.

dired-copy-filename-as-kill is a function I often use in dired, which copies the filename under point. I can then use something like tempel to insert the attributes. However, while the combination of copying the filename in dired and then remembering the tempel shortcode is quite efficient, I think this could be accomplished more cleanly with some Elisp and a dired-mode mapping.

Here is a typical embedded image form, which restricts the image within the org document to 300 pixels and to 100% width when exported through hugo to my web site.

#+attr_org: :width 300px
#+attr_html: :width 100%

Lets walk through a custom function, my/dired-file-to-org-link, which transforms the dired file path under cursor/point into an org link and copies it to the kill ring for easy pasting.

(defun my/dired-file-to-org-link ()
  "Transform the file path under the cursor in Dired to an Org mode
link and copy to kill ring."
  (let ((file-path (dired-get-file-for-visit)))
    (if file-path
        (let* ((relative-path (file-relative-name file-path
                                                  (project-root (project-current t))))
               (org-link (concat "#+attr_org: :width 300px\n"
                                 "#+attr_html: :width 100%\n"
                                 "file:" relative-path "\n")))
          (kill-new org-link)
          (message "Copied to kill ring: %s" org-link))
      (message "No file under the cursor"))))

When my/dired-file-to-org-link is called in a dired buffer, it gets the file path under the point, transforms it into an Org link with specific attributes, and copies the link to the kill ring. This enables you to quickly paste it into your Org file.

I map this to the letter b in the dired-mode mapping, which for me mnemonically refers to (b)log and the b key is not one I currently use in dired.

Note also the use of project.el with the project functions, as I have a project top level defined for my website content, allowing for an easily generated relative path name.

Therefore for example, 20240918111443-emacs--Transforming-Dired-File-Paths-into-Org-Links-with-Emacs-Lisp.jpg from dired in an emacs directory is transformed into :

#+attr_org: :width 300px
#+attr_html: :width 100%