Simple Directory and File Creation in Dired

[James Dyer] : Sep 24, 2024 : 455 words
emacs linux 🏷️ emacs dired 2024 elisp

Today I’ll simply delve into two custom functions that I’ve had in my init file for quite some time, my/dired-create-directory and my/dired-create-empty-file

I use them frequently enough that I thought they were worth mentioning and they augment my dired workflow when mapped to dired-mode-map keybindings.

For many years I would create a new file or folder in one of two ways, through the command line, or a GUI file explorer (with either a click in or bound F2 to edit the name), Emacs comes with it’s own directory manager so why not augment it with these features?

What about find-file I hear you say?, just press C-x C-f. This will prompt for a filename using the current directory of the current buffer and if you type a unique name it will create the file for you. Unfortunately though this will not always work in a simple predictable manner when the minibuffer completion mechanism kicks in.


This custom function simplifies creating a new directory by prompting for a name in the minibuffer, bypassing the default completion mechanism to avoid unwanted name suggestions.

(defun my/dired-create-directory ()
  "Wrapper to dired-create-directory to avoid minibuffer completion."
  (let ((search-term
          (read-from-minibuffer "Dir : ")))
    (dired-create-directory search-term)))
  • Purpose: This function is a wrapper around the dired-create-directory function, designed to avoid the potential confusion of minibuffer completion and directly ask for the directory name.
  • Usage: When invoked, it prompts the user to input a directory name and creates it using the dired-create-directory function.


Similarly, this custom function facilitates the creation of an empty file by asking for the filename in the minibuffer without the default completion.

(defun my/dired-create-empty-file ()
  "Wrapper to dired-create-empty-file to avoid minibuffer completion."
  (let ((search-term
          (read-from-minibuffer "File : ")))
    (dired-create-empty-file search-term)))
  • Purpose: This function wraps around dired-create-empty-file, providing a straightforward prompt for creating a new file.
  • Usage: When triggered, it asks the user to input a file name and then creates an empty file with that name.

These functions are bound to dired-mode-map as follows:

  • _: Create an empty file using my/dired-create-empty-file
  • +: Create a new directory using my/dired-create-directory

This gives me a good ergonomic LShift+<Right hand of number row> combination and is therefore not too taxing on the hands and each key command are just next to each-other to emphasize their similar nature.

In addition the dired mode map keybinding for creating a new directory is bound to + so there is consistency there too.

I suspect there are probably many other ways to achieve this functionality in Emacs, in this case I am specifically relying on dired function calls here but there is also the make-directory function and the shell-command for example if you want to drop in to using the operating systems tool set.