Streamlining eshell with popper, capf-autosuggest, and Enhanced Autocompletion

In this post, I will describe the small enhancements and tweaks I have applied …

Syncing Tab Bar To Theme

Using tabs as part of my workflow has enabled a nice encapsulation and …

Blue and Orange Video

Here is the final version of my entry to the ImagineFX August competition!, …

Blue and Orange

Here is the final version of my entry to the ImagineFX August competition!, …

Initial Version of Blue Orange ImagineFX August Competition Entry

Here is an initial version of my entry to the ImagineFX August competition:

Ready Player Mode different Utilities for Video and Audio!

Regarding my previous post, you can now disregard my little Frankensteinian …

Ready Player Mode with a little elisp Tweak

I’m really enjoying ready-player at the moment, so much so I think it …

Efficient File Searching in Emacs: Leveraging completing-read with Customizable Methods

I thought I would share a little bit of elisp that I’ve been using for a …

Sending Dired Directories to Meld for Directory Comparison

A common activity for a Software Engineer is to compare two directories, …

Selected Window Accent Mode v0.8.0

Whats New

What’s New in Selected Window Accent Mode v0.8.0 - …

Emacs Blog 2 Year Anniversary - First Post Revisit - Create Local Offline ELPA MELPA ORG

I’ve noticed that my Emacs blog is now almost 2 years old!

Deer Evie Video

Timelapse of some nursery art, this time with little or no colour.

WOWEE v0.3.3

More tinkering and enhancements to some AutoHotKey scripts with WOWEE to allow …

WOWEE v0.3.0

I have been continuing to tinker with this project over the last week…

WOWEE - Windows Operating With Emacs Enhancements

My Emacs usage on Windows seems to be more prevalent at the moment, and …

Deer Evie

Nursery art for our offspring!

Using A Mechanical Keyboard, Literally On A Laptop!

The next stage on my quest to mitigate any RSI issues when using Emacs on a …

Photos The PIG

The babymoon!, at the PIG South Downs.

New Package, xkb-mode, to edit X Keyboard Extension Files

Based on my recent forays into ergonomic key-mapping in Emacs for SwayWM, and …

Writing Elisp to Find Available Keybindings in a Sway Config

I thought I would provide an example of how I typically use elisp to make my …

Emacs Vim Navigation Without Evil

Every now and then I find it necessary to use Vim! (mainly for work) - was that …

How To Map RAlt to Ctrl for Emacs

In a recent post I was talking about the benefits of mapping the RAlt key to the …

My Emacs Key Workflow Moments Over The Last 30 Years

I am just at the moment reflecting on how my experience with Emacs over the last …

Transitioning RAlt to Ctrl - Enhancing Emacs Keybindings

In the midst of adjusting my Emacs keybindings for a more ergonomic workflow, …

Waybar Toggling Sticky Key Keymaps

For my previous post I was talking about a software visual indicator to discern …

Eagle Garuda Video

Timelapse of my garuda art / wallpaper contest entries, the theme was bird of …

Eagle Garuda

A competition entry to the linux distro of Garuda, unfortunately I lost out to …